View of Belfast City Hall from Donegall Place - Northern Ireland

Ireland is a very attractive place and a great place to raise you financially. Obtaining Irish citizenship by investment or an Ireland investor visa is not a bad idea. However, there are so many benefits you get as an Irish citizen through investment or some other means.

Benefits of obtaining Irish citizenship

As stated earlier, there are so many benefits you receive as an Irish citizen including;

This means you have the freedom to travel to other EU member states, do business with them, and even sponsor your family or spouse.

  1. You can enjoy certain rights under the Irish constitution for all citizens. It is also applicable to all citizens of the European Union.
  2. You can work, study, and even reside in Ireland or any EU citizen without needing a visa.
  3. You can enjoy dual citizenship in Ireland; This means that you will not need to renounce your previous citizenship.
  4. It also makes you entitled to vote or even campaign for political leadership in Ireland.
  5. You can own an Irish bank account and also expand your business to any part of the world.
  6. You can take advantage of their healthcare system with other medical benefits as other Irish people are naturalized.
  7. You also get educational benefits.
  8. You also benefit from their low tax rate compared to that of non-citizens.
  9. You also get a visa-free trip to the United States and 171 other countries.

Now you know the benefits of Irish citizenship, let me quickly guide you along the path of Irish citizenship by investment.

Pathways to citizenship in Ireland with investment

There are different routes to obtaining an investor visa in Ireland. I will quickly guide you along with the application process. Once you have reviewed the details, you are left to choose the investor visa program in Ireland that suits you best.

  1. Investors’ Bonds of Immigrants

You can obtain Irish citizenship by investing through buying or participating in the Bond Program of Immigrant Investors by the Irish Government. These bonds are more like debt obligations issued by the Federal Republic of Ireland and operate through the management of the national treasury.

You need to make a minimum investment of €2,000,000 to qualify for this. However, you will be paid a 1% annual return with 5 years maturity of the investment. It is a low-return investment but very secure as low interest on investment is most likely risk-free.

  1. Gift

So many foreigners see this route as the easiest way to get an investor visa in Ireland and then obtain Irish citizenship with investment. In this route, applicants are expected to deposit at least €500,000 in a project with public benefits such as sport, art, health, culture, and technology. However, this is seen as an act of charity because there is no return on deposit or even principle as it is purely a donation. Once you do that, you can easily get Irish citizenship.

  1. Investment in Irish companies

An investment in an Irish enterprise (single enterprise or cocktail company) is another route to obtain Irish citizenship through investment. However, you are expected to make a minimum investment of €1,000,000 in the enterprise and this should contribute to job creation and also financing new businesses. To obtain an Irish investor visa, the investment must be made for a minimum of 3 years and the name of the applicants (your) must be included.

  1. Investment in Ownership

This is another way to get Irish citizenship through investment. In this case, the applicant must own a property worth a minimum value of €1,000,000 and the property owned should not be to generate income from the rent but where you live. After that, you will be registered or considered. Also, property investment made directly or indirectly for enterprise development or socio-economic development qualifies you under the bond program of immigrant investors.

Requirements to obtain Irish citizenship with investment

  1. Make sure you meet the criteria on any of the above-mentioned routes.
  2. Provide proof of net worth and other documentation above.
  3. Explain your financial activity during the last 12 months’ period
  4. Also, provide proof of money transfer if applicable
  5. You must have a clear criminal record.
  6. You must be in good health condition and also have health insurance if applicable

Document Requirements

  1. Original passport photocopy
  2. Passport-style photo
  3. Original copy of birth certificate if applicable
  4. Original marriage certificate if applicable
  5. Find a proof of your net worth.
  6. Evidence on the source of funds
  7. Pay bill

The above processes are fairly simple. You can apply to the official immigration platform in Ireland. If obtaining an investor visa in Ireland is expensive enough for you, I advise you to pursue other cheaper ways to obtain permanent residence in Ireland and citizenship. If you have any related questions, please let me know through the comments section.

By Admin

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